Saturday, July 24, 2010

FerFals YouTube

Blogroll Me!
I have FerFals Surviving Argentina on my Blog List. Today I became aware that he has made some YouTubes. I bought his book and have found the material relevant to the coming collapse of industrial society. Pay attention readers the time may be nearer than you think. I know that personally I am about to move into a rather scary neighborhood. I will be looking to make my new residence as safe as possible. If any of you have ideas about that please contact me. They are preparing my house now and I am hoping that my safety will be the highest priority. One place I lived downtown Columbus I was a victim to a home invasion. I was beaten 5 times in less than 2 years. My health and Wellbeing have never recovered from those beatings. When I look back on that time and my first tour of the building with the prospective landlord I remember him showing me the room and key to the room that I was to put my trash. I remember two busted up doors. I asked him what happened to those doors. He said he didn't know. I quickly went with him on to the next part of the tour. If I only had the hindsight vision I have of my home invasion, then I would never have moved into that place. My own one and only door ended up exactly as those doors. There was an established history of thugs busting in peoples doors in that apartment building. And my new landlord lied to me about it in the very beginning! I was nearly killed by those thugs. It will never happen again without me doing some serious damage to the thugs is my latest idea about victimhood!

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