The first photo is the stone for John Patton Hendershot (my Father), Wilma Eileen O'Flaherty Hendershot (my Mother), flanked by Angelique Hendershot (my Sister). They are buried in The Perryton Cemetery Licking County Ohio.
The second picture is the stone for John Lucas Hendershot who was my Fathers Father (my Grandfather) who is burined at Smith Chapel. The third photo is the stone of Helen M. Patton who was my Great Grandmother who is buried at Smith Chapel in Licking County. Next to that stone is the stone of Gary "Boopie" Patton my Great Grandfather also buried at Smith Chapel Cemetery Licking County Ohio.
This is a photograph of Russel Bolen O'Flaherty (my Grandfather) and Ernest Loyd McKee (My Great Grandfather) in Grandpa and Grandma O'Flaherty's living room. Russel is buried at The Toboso Cemetery and Ernest McKee is buried at The Frazeysburg Cemetery in Licking County Ohio.The last photo is my Grandma Joy and Ivan Dove. Ivan was her second husband and also a distant cousin on Gary Patton's side of the family.