I am happy to report that my feet are so much better than last year at this time. Last year at this time, I had not gotten my orthotics. I didn't see my foot doctor until November after I moved. I had very little help moving, so I pretty much beat my feet and my body up for over a month. I was in pretty bad shape when I finally went to see a doctor. After a year of orthotics, medication, and 2 months of physical therapy, I am ready for the next move. My friend DD says feet are the foundation. The heat this spring is very healing to my arthritis. I have stopped taking Lyrica. The next time I move, I will be moving down steps instead of up steps, so I am anticipating an easier move altogether. And while I am sorry to leave this place and the micro farm next door, I am happy to have discovered who my true friends are. Sometimes it takes some crisis like the one I just lived through to weed out the "pretenders". My feet have been very good to me. Mrs. Gray says I am sturdy! Thanks Mrs. Gray. That has been my mantra and my affirmation.
Are you moving again already?
Well not without going to court it seems. I told her if she pays me for the amount due on the kiln then I will begin moving. I am tired of watching my jewelry studio rust away in the flooding basement. So I am looking for a new place. Hopefully I will have moved by the end of summer.
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