Saturday, May 17, 2008

Modern Miners

This is a fellow I see a few times a week collecting aluminum cans from the dumpsters in my neighborhood. I am told that local golf courses do not recycle their aluminum cans (golfers say). That seems pretty wasteful to me and I confess I have trouble believing it! I wonder how much money could be made by just going around to each golf course every day and hauling the aluminum to the scrap yard. Would it cost more in fuel than the collective cans would equal? Certainly girl scout or boy scout troupes could earn badges (environmental subjects) while making money on this pocket of cash. This fellow wouldn't have to walk the alleys everyday if somehow he could cash in on that deal. Perhaps when fuel prices go up so far that no one can afford to golf, the courses will have to resort to figuring out ways to make money or break even...or even stay open. Perhaps the wealthy people who golf would never consider recycling at all. It probably isn't cost effective to sort valuable metal from trash.
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