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Yesterday, I took my pattern to the studio and cut out two feathers based on the model I posted yesterday. These were hand cut with a jewelers saw out of 22 guage sterling silver. Today I plan on firing up my acetylene torch and fastening the 20 gauge sterling silver wires that will be the feather shaft. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I have enough gas in the tank. If I don't, I can try a regular propane plumbers torch. Plumbers torches are hard to keep going because they are designed to be used upright. I have to turn them upside down to put the flame to the pieces which causes the torch to go out in most cases. I learned on a propane torch, but it was difficult and somewhat counterproductive. There is still time between now and Christmas to knock out more of these so keep me in mind. It is just as easy to make two as it is 10. These will be etched next to add the lines. Email me if you want to buy one of these.
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