Blogroll Me!
I always knew I would be stuck without a power tool sooner or later. Maybe one will surface on Freecycle or Craigs List. In the meantime there are other ways to achieve results.
This is a Miller Falls Tool Company "egg beater drill" that I have had and used for almost 30 years. Millers Falls Tool Company existed from 1868-1962. If I would have known how valuable these hand drills are, I wouldn't have drilled a hole in the handle of mine. I needed to hang it up at the time...so I stuck the rose colored handle right in the drill press and made this tool more serviceable to me. I do have spare parts for this including another handle, but I still want to hang it up over the workbench as I will need to useit. And the drill bit index Standard Tool Company Cleveland Ohio....I wouldn't take all the money in China for it; as all these drill bits were made in the USA. I probably won't ever have to buy another drill bit if I am careful. If you read the link you will see that overseas competition (China) put this company out of business also.
And the anvil looming in the background was a Buckeye Steel rail put out to pasture when the railroads were obsolete because of the automobile. So much of American and Ohio history on the workbench right now. Hopefully by my using these, I am honoring my ancestors.
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