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Planned Obsolescence. Finally a solution to my Black and Decker nightmare. They would have me believe that I needed to buy a new band saw...probably made in (another country). For now, a piece of inner tube cut to fit around the wheel glued into the groove. Cross your fingers for me.
I love it! I didn't even know you had a bandsaw. How did it work with the inner tube fix?
Did it work? I gotta find a fix and soon for the same problem...
Yes it worked. I still will be looking for another one of these saws for future parts. I paid $25 for this saw and the belt was already broken. I assumed it would be easy to just order another one. That was wrong thinking then, and it would be equally wrong now. Wish I could find a good sturdy American made sponge mop that doesn't fall apart every two uses!
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