Blogroll Me!
As I am finishing up the two boot knives I am making this year, another knife comes into my possession. This will be etched with a Celtic knot near the blade guard, the handle made of white oak embellished with gemstones and ending with a cast acorn. The art council awarded me a grant and so I am happy to report that I won't have to shut down my knife making workshop for the winter as I had thought I would need to do. Many thanks to The Ohio Arts Council.
Sweet! I didn't even know you were working on any knives, let alone planning a knife making workshop. You had mentioned a metal working class.
I like this design. Very lunar. Did you cast the acorn yourself? How are you planning to attach it? How did you attach the knotwork to the blade?
Now Wayne, that was November 2009. My intentions were to get right on that. But the reality was that my partner was not going to cooperate with any more knife making. It takes a long time to move my workshop and to find the stuff that was packed while moving the workshop. I have lost at least 3 knives in the process of living with a hoarder that kept piling stuff in on top of my stuff...and then this move where my workshop was the staging zone for my unfriendly move. I still have possessions that are in that other house that I imagine I will never see again. I cut the handles for this knife this week though.
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