Happy Halloween! I suppose this could work for Thanksgiving as well. A few years ago I sold Fiestaware on eBay. I would make a staging area for the photos. Inevitably cats would take the place of whatever I had just taken a picture of. Syd likes to pose. This picture features the last bowl I made in pottery class. Unusual for Syd to keep a collar on any longer than a few hours. Notice the bell. At this time in his life he got a bird a day, so I spent a fortune in cat collars to try to even the odds. He got real good at dispatching collars in addition to his bird habit.
I used Syd's pose on the easel in Syd's World the painting. Please contact me for prints of Syd's World. Syd's World was the winner of the Peoples Choice award, First Place, and Best In Show and toured Ohio in VSA 2017 Exhibition.
Q posted for the first time a year ago today. Happy Birthday patriot. Where We Go One, We Go All! I have never felt so much hope for our country and the world as I do after knowing Q.
I respect these two people for walking away from the current Democratic party. I could not articulate this problem and movement any better than Roseanne Barr and Brandon Straka! Perhaps the most powerful message the video gave me was the message that diversity is not diversity if it doesn't include ideas. For some time I have felt my voice and ideas have been suppressed. I walked away in 2015 and have lost a best friend over my vote for Donald Trump. I feel that Donald Trump was chosen in 2016 by the people. It was an election. Prior to that time, we had selections. I have never felt as much hope in my whole life, as I do now. Please take an hour of your time and watch this video. Perhaps you will have the courage to walk away too!
I lost my best friend over this last election. I have had to endure so much since then. I voted for Donald J. Trump because he is not a pedophile, and is arresting pedophiles. Hillary Clinton is far worse, she is a pedovore. Q is revealing this, the media is not covering it, but I told you. This is happening in my town and has been for a very long time. Hollywood, The Vatican, and D.C. Why would anyone not understand this. Let us purge ourselves of these evil people backwards and forwards in time. I don't get my information from the TV. These friends of mine do. I feel sorry for them. I will be there for them when the soup hits the fan. It is most interesting that the more you watch TV, the less you really know...you know?
I am such a nerd that I didn't know what a gif was/is. I love gifs. I must learn how to make them to enhance my art. Sometimes old people can outsmart physical and mental deficiencies in our youth. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Don't try to trick the old dog!