We hopefully had our last frost last night. Today we are going to buy plants. We have already planted peas. I am going to take part in a seed exchange at the Peak Oil discussion forum as soon as I get something to trade.
It may become important to gather seeds wherever and whenever we can...from now on. It may become equally important to begin trading with others who are of like mind, and networking with them to exchange information and seeds.
Disaster preparedness is very important. The slogan for the Peak Oil website is "Deal with Reality or Reality will Deal With You!" Genetically modified seeds are to be avoided at all costs as they won't germinate a second year. Big business has almost made it so that seeds have to be purchased every year. In a time of disaster the seed companies will not be able to supply the demand.
I read a book last winter that I can no longer remember the title or author that proclaimed that the first thing we (United States Army) did in Irac was confiscate the enemies seeds. This makes the people of Irac totally dependent on our government and the genetically modified seeds they will have to buy from us. We took seeds that were germinated from hundreds of years of their culture. We must have done this as an act of war. if we can control their food production then we can control the people of Irac...or even our own people. So start saving those seeds. They may well become the next currency. Oh...and don't throw away your seed packs. They are a dictionary of knowledge, and very aesthetically pleasing decoration (shown above).