
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mr. Banker

For some reason this band (Lynard Skinard) reminds me of Stevie Ray Vaughan.  I took my Les Paul into Uncle Sams Pawn Shop Friday and they were concerned about the water damage to the guitar.  I had pawned it last August in order to move here and I never took it out of the case since then.  This house has so much water, and moisture issues that they would not honor my request for a loan!  I wanted to get a storage shed so I could start moving my possessions out before court on Wednesday.  I made the mistake of not taking it out of the case and wiping it down before taking it in...I was declined the money I was asking to borrow in pawn because of the moisture and the mold on my most prized possession.  This guitar was in my bedroom the whole year not my basement!  So the water damage is beyond the basement and if I can get the court on Wednesday to hear my plea and counter claim, I might be able to attach my $2000 Les Paul onto the damages that I was already listing from my workshop.  We'll see what the repair shop is gonna charge me.

  Last year my landlord offered to pawn my guitar rather than going through Uncle Sams.  I had already pawned it, or I might have taken her up on the offer. I borrowed the money from pawn last August in order to pay for the gas to move into her house.  I had payed Lori money for the utilities and rent, so I didn't have the money to move.  It occurs to me now that she has been trying to get my cherished belongings all along.  She destroyed my kiln, so it is obvious to me that she would not have returned my guitar to me had I borrowed the money from her.  One of her workers pulled a gun on her last summer because she owed him money and refused to give it to him.  Her boyfriend beat the crap out of him and now Nesley has her own gun.  She better hope the West Jefferson Police don't find her with a pound of dope, cash, and her little pistol.  That changes the minor misdemeanor for smoking a little pot into a felony.  That means prison time.  So she deals drugs, brings teenagers to the transactions, sells sex toys in a pyramid scheme out of her two trailers in West Jefferson, cheats on her taxes, is a slum lord, and runs her own pawn scheme when she can.  Is there no end to her wickedness?  This is the person who is hiring a formerly disbarred attorney to evict me.  I am so glad my Les Paul is safe and sound in the German Village Guitar Shop getting repaired.  I frankly didn't know what else to do in order to save it!  I couldn't very well bring it back here as it is too damp.  This is the reason my drum heads are so loose and sound like I am beating a card board box.  Soon my other possessions will be safe from her as well.

 I will be leaving Lori Rayburn's belongings in the house for the red tag and set out.  I was trying to get Lori's stuff back to her each time I was in Clintonville for Freegeek, but the attempt to have me arrested for doing the right thing pretty much ties my hands and prevents me from that.  Unlike my landlord, and my X's former lovers, I don't like to keep things that don't belong to me.  So maybe I will snap some pictures and have someone else give her a call in one last attempt to be nice.  I think she would want her things back rather than have them ruined in the mud or taken by thieves.

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