
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Eviction Hearing Scheduled

Next Wednesday I go to court against my landlord Nesley Thomas who lives in West Jefferson.  She has a 50% chance of winning her case.  I have had the pleasure of going to eviction court on two occasions and both times I won in counter claim.  The Zanesville court awarded me two years free rent when I presented my evidence in 1989.  Those people had run off a whole congregation and took possession of an old Baptist Church on a desolate country road near lost lake.  There was a school house on the property that they rented to me, and I used my Social Security settlement ($5000) to get plumbing, electricity, appliances a bathroom and kitchen to turn it into a habitable dwelling.  When I moved in there was only an outhouse and one electrical outlet with a single wire running to the church 50 feet away.  I used the church basement kitchen to cook my meals until I got my own kitchen installed and electricity.  That church property was an American Baptist Charter,  so ownership was basically whoever cared for the property.  These people were so ruthless and obnoxious that the whole congregation just left the church and re-congregated in Zanesville that was 25 miles away.  Of course the new "stewards" left the 1885 vintage Baptist sign up even though they were Pentecostal which was very misleading.  As you might guess dear reader I walked into that situation and got abused by right wing swindlers.  The minute I spent all my settlement money on the school house these cheats filed for eviction.  I took my receipts to court and the court awarded me the counter claim (rent credit of $5000).  But of course these nasty folks did everything to get me to move out in spite of the courts ruling. They sent men to my door at all hours seeking prostitution services.  They hunted 10 feet from my windows and front door startling me with gunshots all hours of the night and day.  I got very little rest even though it was a peaceful dead end road out in the middle of nowhere.  They poisoned my cat....and left other dead animals for me to have to bury all around my yard.  They put Copperheads in my car, exterminated my bee hive, and they ended up burning their own church down and accusing me of arson.  That of course backfired, as I wouldn't be writing this today had they succeeded.  I had no phone and the police were 25 minutes away.  I could not fight them off 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  My life was hell because they hated me because I won my counter claim.  So even though I won my case, I ended up vacating the premises as soon as I got the money together.  Some day I plan on turning my journals about that time into a short story called The Church Of The Double Cross. 

The person that is attempting to evict me right now is pretty much the same sort of person as those people in Zanesville who tried and failed to evict me.  The above picture is the mud hole that is where my possessions will be placed if I lose in court next Wednesday and a red tag & set out scheduled.  Of course this is what she wants.  She has taken sides with my X, and wants to punish me.  Their attempt last month to get me arrested and beat up by the police blew up in their faces so they are furious as you might imagine.  I have an email someone recklessly (drunkenly) told me that they were teaming up.  She even mentioned them all by name.  I had suspected this sort of collusion but had no way of proving it till she sent me the email.  If I am able to present my evidence, I will be able to prove that my landlord is attempting a malicious retalitory eviction, and I may be able to recover back rent and damages to my personal property.  In the meantime, the City Attorney has advised me to take her to court and sue her.  Ironically this is the City Attorney that was on the board that disbarred her attorney!  The county auditor has started investigating her as she has not paid taxes and doesn't have clear title to her properties and hasn't registered the properties as rental property.  Because she works for H& R block she knows she can avoid paying taxes as long as the properties are in her deceased mothers name.  Property does not have to go through probate.  She was glad to drop by and collect rent for a year, and to deliver drugs to this house every Friday for someone we both knew who dropped the money off on Thursdays.  She did not address the problems with the water, doors falling off the frames, but was very willing to sell dope through me.  I felt like a prisoner here at times.  I resented the relationship and was elated when my friend gave up his habit.  I didn't have to see her every Friday and put up with her dysfunctional friends and under aged teenagers.  It is more than ironic that Franklin County has an automatic eviction without court hearing for tenants dealing drugs out of a rental.  They have no such laws concerning landlords who deal drugs though their rental properties as my landlord does.  I realize what I am up against next Wednesday.  I will be going to court and I will be trying my hardest to get my evidence heard.  If I get an opportunity to counter sue, I most certainly will, and maybe I can put a dirty drug dealer out of business at the same time.  I have been up against ruthless people like her before and taken to court.  I am used to it.  I know the drill.  I try my best to be loyal, honest, and true to my friends and loved ones.  I don't like thieves and cheats.  Life is too short to tolerate that sort of behavior.  People like my landlord do not deserve a renter like me.  My neighbors tell me this place was a dump when Nesley's mother owned the property.  It has a fresh coat of paint new cub boards and appliances just like the schoolhouse did as I was the one remodeling.  This house was gutted by fire in 1977 and it won't stay dry when it rains.  There is much mold here and damaging moisture.  It is like plastic surgery has been performed in order to make it appear nice in order to deceive an unsuspecting renter or buyer.  When I leave, the scrappers will come remove the gutters and anything metal they can find.  The last tenant moved out and they began scrapping that very night.  A house over on Purdue two streets from here, has been vacant for a very short time and the whole back of the house has been stripped of it's aluminum siding.  All the gutters have been removed.  There is no one in the house and a side window completely open to the elements.  I called them and left a message.  Chances are that would stop if they put in a renter like me as I am vigilant.  When I am gone this house will begin rotting and sliding down the hill.  You can see in the picture that the stone walls near my truck are starting to fall apart and drop out of place.  Without me being here her property will erode and lose even more value.  Right now the Auditor has devalued the property to $16,500.  When they find out about the holes in the roof and flooding problem, they may devalue it even more.  I think the wiring is faulty because of the moisture in the walls. My landlord does not care about that, she just wants me out of here because I won't deal drugs for her anymore, and she wants to show my X that she can punish me by destroying my property and making me homeless.  There will be karma.  I know Karma, and she is a bitch 

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