
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Moving Boxes For Syd

Syd is having great fun with the moving boxes that I bring to him.  First their was the air conditioning box, then the box for the shop vac.  He is loving this.  Maybe I can live with him in my truck for a week or so.  I can't very well leave him in the storage shed.  I will be sleeping in the truck till the following week when I go to mediation with Lori over the phone bill.  My sleeping bag is good for 20 below and I slept in my truck when I went to animal rescue during hurricane Katrina.  I don't want to lose him.  I would hate to be arrested for putting him in his cat carrier and dropping him off at Lori's.  He can't live outside.  I can keep cat food in the truck and feed Stubby's Colony every morning as I have been doing for a year.  There won't be enough gas to drive him to my sisters and then be able to come back on the 27th for the mediation.  I went to visit her yesterday, and she just doesn't have room for too much more of my things and she already is cat plentiful.  I may have to take him to some emergency shelter till I can get my Columbus legal matters finished.  Of course Nesley just might lose tomorrow and then she would have to start the whole eviction process over again.  I intend to counter sue her for all the damage that has been done to my personal property, so I won't be trying to get the case dismissed.  I think in November, if she hasn't paid taxes on this place it may go to Sheriffs auction. 
They will also probably fine her for not registering it as a rental.  She will have to pay about $500 to put the title in her own name, and pay the water bill in her mothers name.  My neighbors will be watching to see if she puts another drug dealer in here.  It's all good....till it goes bad!  In the meantime Syd is happy in all his boxes, he has no idea that we both may be homeless after Wednesday.  I won't be here for the "set out".

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