
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Black Swan Hearing

I am posting this at 4:46 PM on October 18th and scheduling it to post about the time I go to a hearing against my landlord for eviction tomorrow.  The Black Swan is a difficult concept to folks who are not familiar with it.  I am calling forth from all directions "The Black Swan" as my totem in defense of my enemies who are taking me to court tomorrow (today dear reader).  The Black Swan was perhaps the most difficult book I have ever read and tried to comprehend.  I will read it again someday and try harder.  Most people would not attempt it, and could not understand it either.  But the man that wrote it bet against the stock market and became a millionaire and wrote the book in an attempt to try to explain how he knew that there would be a crash.  His metaphor in essence: it was not believed that a black swan existed,  so when they found one in Australia it became a metaphor of something stated and believed to be myth, turning out to be true after all.  It turned out there was indeed such a thing as a black swan in spite of insistence of the scientific community that denied it.

I will call the black swan as my animal totem to take into court tomorrow, as I believe much is being denied, and much to be revealed.  The Black Swan ended up a great symbol in between all that has happened since I moved last year.  My X gave me this tile as she knew how meaningful The Black Swan was to me.  Perhaps she saw me struggle with it intellectually.  I was pleasantly surprised when she gave it to me as a housewarming gift.  It also ended up in Hollywood as a great film last year.  I haven't seen it yet.  I suspect there are many elements that are relevant and similar to the concept.  For the Wikipedia link for Black Swan click here.
Dear reader, I am facing a Black Swan event....but I have the advantage of knowing it, and my opponent does not know it.  She thinks, she is going to be able to waltz into court because she has plunked down  $182 dollars, another $300 for her attorney and be able to silence my side of the story, make me homeless, and penniless, in addition to having a debt to her etc.  But she does not have the knowledge and the totem of the Black Swan in her lets just see what is gonna happen.  Lets just see what actually happens in relation to hot air, greed, and grandiosity.  This blog is written before tomorrow, and by the time you read this an outcome from the court.  I am calling in The Black Swan to help me defeat their attempts to make me and Syd homeless tomorrow.   Lets just see what will happen.

 There is one power which is goddess and god.  And this power is the black swan.  I hereby release all forms essences and form contingencies that could be blocking the way of perfect black swan event.  This may come in the specific form or a total dismissal of the charges against Concha Castaneda in court today (9/19/11) for the good of all, according to the free will of all so mote it be

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