
Friday, October 14, 2011

Bye Bye Rain Barrels

I removed the rain barrels and redistributed them to an undisclosed location.  I put the gutters back in place today as the basement floods each time it rains and I suspect that even though the slumlord purchased the rain barrels, she will claim property damage when I remove them.  It is just the kind of person that she is.  In addition to bringing teenagers with her each time she delivered a bag of dope, she is unethical at every turn.  I can not possibly figure out what her unethical attorney is going to present as evidence of "property damage" at the I need to be vigilant and try to anticipate what low lives will try to put on me.  Shit is on for sure, and I am covering all my bases.  After they are done discrediting themselves in court, I will take my shot at them with a whopping counter suit.  Take your best shot low lives.  You haven't been able to get me yet!  I wouldn't be too confident if I were your grandiosity has backfired on you every step of this process. 

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