Blogroll Me!
Several weeks ago I was contacted by a woman named Susan McGowan who asked if I would give permission to use my photo of The Blue Danube mural that I previously blogged on July 9th 2009. It was nice of Susan to ask permission, but once a photo is put up on blogger I believe it becomes part of Google Images and anybody can use google images. At least for now, while the internet is still a free country! Still it is good etiquette to get permission, and if she would not have, I wouldn't have known about her blog Travels With Pirates. I couldn't imagine what my photo of the mural would be used for and I was delighted this morning to have the link to Susan's blog and my photo of The Blue Danube Mural to compliment her good writing. Thanks Susan for the photo credit. Travels With Pirates is a fun blog. I won't spoil the surprise for my readers by posting how Susan used my picture. You will have to click on the link Travels With Pirates and see for yourself!
I went to Susan's blog and subscribed!
i miss the dube! the dube nuggets are the best!
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