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Columbus Restaurants are about to go greener. Maybe (crosses her fingers). Last week in The Other Paper was an article about a pending compost transportation business. Imagine utilizing trucks that run on restaurant grease that go around picking up paper, glass, plastic, and food scraps from all the local restaurants and taking these to a state of the art composting facility. Eartha Limited is the idea whos time has come. I am keeping my fingers crossed that SWACO will approve this new "green" business and start saving the earth by recycling the things restaurants usually have to pay to have hauled away. The two genius's that are starting this business are Mike Minnix and Elizabeth Lessner. Mr. Minnix has ties to The Ohio Foodbank and Ms Lessner is the owner of several successful Columbus restaurants. I don't see how such a business could fail unless the local recycling company (I like to call Rumplestiltskin) objects. I have observed local politics all my life and I know that even if an idea like compost transportation which should have been in place all along threatens an already existing fat cat business...well lets just say...I won't hold my breath till the powers that be do the right thing. Rumpkie Recycling does not pick up food scraps. They also don't run their trucks on recycled restaurant grease. Three cheers for Eartha Limited. You are doing the right thing!
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