
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

I Walked Away In 2015

I respect these two people for walking away from the current Democratic party.  I could not articulate this problem and movement any better than Roseanne Barr and Brandon Straka!  Perhaps the most powerful message the video gave me was the message that diversity is not diversity if it doesn't include ideas.  For some time I have felt my voice and ideas have been suppressed.  I walked away in 2015 and have lost a best friend over my vote for Donald Trump.  I feel that Donald Trump was chosen in 2016 by the people.  It was an election.  Prior to that time, we had selections.  I have never felt as much hope in my whole life, as I do now.  Please take an hour of your time and watch this video.  Perhaps you will have the courage to walk away too!

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