
Sunday, October 7, 2018

I Told You

I lost my best friend over this last election.  I have had to endure so much since then.  I voted for Donald J. Trump because he is not a pedophile, and is arresting pedophiles.  Hillary Clinton is far worse, she is a pedovore.  Q is revealing this, the media is not covering it, but I told you.  This is happening in my town and has been for a very long time.  Hollywood, The Vatican, and D.C.  Why would anyone not understand this.  Let us purge ourselves of these evil people backwards and forwards in time.  I don't get my information from the TV.  These friends of mine do.  I feel sorry for them.  I will be there for them when the soup hits the fan.  It is most interesting that the more you watch TV, the less you really know?

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