Sunday, January 30, 2022

My Mothers Old Presto Cooker


I inherited my mamas old pressure cooker.  I confess, I was always a bit afraid of this cooking device as it sounded like a rattle snake when it was in operation.

Today, I honor my mother as I cook up my first batch of Hydroxichloriquin which has been forbidden to us by the "scientists" in this country, while successfully being used in many other countries..

I am bringing three grapefruit and two lemons rinds to a boil, then simmering them for two hours. It is boiling now as I write.  After two hours of simmering I will remove the lid and let it cool.  Then I will strain it and put it into glass mason jars.

I fail to see how this could possibly be harmful to me, but I am still very afraid of my mothers old pressure cooker, and I also am very afraid of big pharmas experimental injection.


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