Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Pow Wow 2011
I may swing by the annual Native American Pow Wow this weekend. It is at the Circle Mound Earthworks in Heath Ohio this year. I am hoping to gather some business cards and make contact with venders to possibly sell some of my silver feathers next year.. The Pow Wow is September 3-5 and is sponsored by the Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio. Here is a link to Ohio Pow Wows.
Labels: cauldrons
Newark Earth Works,
Ohio Pow Wows
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Columbus Rock Climbing
Yesterday I visited one of Columbus's metro parks down by the Sciota Riverfront. It was a beautiful day and there were rock climbers at the park. The Audubon bird watching park is down there also so I got a double treat and got away from my problems for a few hours. There has been a delay in my moving date as the couple I am subleasing from can not be out of their place till September 15th.
Labels: cauldrons
Columbus Metro Park,
Columbus Parks And Recreation,
Rock Climbers
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Quilt Project
I am beginning to gather materials for a metal quilt that I have been commissioned to do. Right now I am just gathering ideas for the pattern. This is a photo of an old barn in Adams County Ohio. The quilt patterns sure do spruce it up. I am excited to get started and start cutting out the shapes. If anyone of my dear readers have a favorite book on the subject with exploded diagrams, or a quilt coloring book, please send me the info and I will pick it up at the library. It is my plan to use aluminum cans, tins from the thrift store and metal textured pieces I have collected over the years.
Labels: cauldrons
Metal Quilt,
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Goodnight Irene Goodnight Irene
"Sometimes I live in the country
Sometimes I live in town
Sometimes I take a great notion
To jump in the river and drown"
(Follow the bouncing ball...)
"Irene good night
Irene good night
Good night Irene
good night Irene
I'll see you in my dreams".
I sure hope people are not leaving their pets behind. My heart is heavy remembering Katrina and how people were so stupid to leave their pets shut up in their houses....and not take them. I am sort of up against a landlord that doesn't like cats, that wants me to leave....and doesn't care about them (Stubby's Cat Colony). Thank goodness for Wayne, Mayda, and Frijolito Farm.
Labels: cauldrons
Hurricane Irene,
Irene Goodnight,
The Weavers
Friday, August 26, 2011
Selling Nostalgia
Yesterday I made the mistake of dropping in to the local A&W on Cleveland Avenue. Back in the day A&W was a great spot to stop and get a nice tall mug of root beer. Those days are gone for sure. Car hops are a thing of the past, although there is a reference to that on a mural inside the franchise now shared with Long John Silver's. I was greeted by a woman who obviously did not understand my order. I wanted a big frosty mug of root beer, a coney with cheese and an order of fries. There was an attempt to "bundle" my order and much confusion. I had to insist I did not want a root beer float which is the only way they give you a mug these days. Because my order did not conform to the menu's attempt to cluster sandwich, beverage, and side order, I had problems right from the start. Even though the cooks were only steps away there was much confusion and I got a cheeseburger instead of a coney and a root beer float instead of a root beer. So it took about 15 minutes for these geniuses to put together my plastic tray of frankinfood. Of course the root beer was lukewarm as they no longer are prepared to serve it in anything but a paper cup. There was a cheese colored goop in two globs on my coney. No mustard in the whole place and the fries were so bland that I had to douse them in malt vinegar from the Long John Silver's condiment station. The kitchen was filthy. I had plenty of time to marvel at the filth as I had to practically jump the counter and make my own food. I don't recommend A&W in it's new glitzy fast food form. I know I would rather remember it the way it used to in the mural on the wall.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Syd's Newest Spot
Syd has a new spot as of today. Yesterday, I finally got a copy of my credit report. I am entitled to a free one every year. Lately I have been applying for housing and filling out rental applications and many prospective landlords use the credit report to determine whether or not to rent to me. I was very annoyed that prospective landlords had more access to that report than I did. Imagine my surprise to learn that I have only one blemish on that report and it is the phone bill from last year that Lori didn't pay. We of course put the phone in my name in order to get the discount that is offered to people with disabilities. Ironic that Lori is my previous landlord and that she has mucked up my credit report. So not only may prospective landlords contact her to find out if I paid rent on time, but she is the reason I have a collections agency after me. Of course they are not calling me here because she kept the phone number. Prior to renting from her sister on Deming, Lori stiffed her previous landlord. In order to clean up my own credit report I will have to pay Lori's unpaid phone bill. It will still be on there for 24 months after I take care of it. I believe that I could get a judgement through small claims court and I may very well have to pursue this matter. It is clear to me that even though I would never use a credit card, or borrow money, the credit report can harm me even when the debt is not mine. Ironic as hell that the two women that I have to list as previous landlords have both screwed me over. I wouldn't trust either of them to tell the truth to a future landlord. In the meantime, Syd sleeps happily under the computer monitor unaware of deceptive women, credit reports, overdue bills. Such a life he has.
Labels: cauldrons
Free Credit Report,
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
eBay Sale

I sold one of my silver feathers on eBay yesterday. This morning I packed it up and shipped it to a fellow in Pennsylvania. I think this means that I won't be moving my workshop until the very last minute as I am just now starting to supplement my income online. Jewelry is one of the hardest items to sell on eBay as the buyer doesn't get to touch the piece before purchase. I have found in my 20 plus years as a hobby silversmith, that if the buyer tries on the jewelry it is halfway to being sold. It is my hope to be able to sell my classmates some of these silver feathers at our upcoming reunion. I couldn't possibly make enough feathers ahead of time. But if I wear some, have some for folks to handle, and also be able of offer a business card with my contact information, then I could be busy all winter making feathers for my old pals. I had listed that feather in April, and re-listed it each time it did not sell. I have lost count of how many times I listed it. But even one sale may lead to other sales. And this sale this week made my summer! I went down to the cellar and swept my workspace, killed some spiders and got back to work! Tomorrow I am going back in there and finishing up the work on the bench. I will work right up till moving time. And when moving day gets here, there is no reason I can't work a few hours at my workbench as well as move one truck load at a time. Since I am not working up against an eviction, I can take my time and do it right. Thank you everyone who already bought a feather from me. You can look my eBay information by clicking any part of the link below. It says I am a top 5000 reviewer but my rank is 1972. I wrote reviews for eBay before I wrote for Yahoo news. There may be some money in it for me someday. If I get into the top 100 it would be quite an accomplishment. So please read my reviews and please vote.
Labels: cauldrons
Sterling Silver Feathers
Monday, August 22, 2011
First Harvest
I hadn't been over to the community garden spot since August 4th as I have been attending to other matters here. I was hoping mother nature would take care of the watering for me till I could return. I went over early Sunday morning and picked a basket of tomatoes and put some water on my single corn stalk. I have more tomatoes on the way and some peppers that Susan W. gave me early this spring. I sure hope I can have time to harvest the rest of my first crop as I prepare to move.
Labels: cauldrons
Annie's Memorial Community Garden,
Pepper Plant,
Roma Tomato,
Urban Gardens
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Peak Oil Blues
Kathy McMahons is a self defined peak oil shrink, and she has a website called site Peak Oil Blues that I look at from time to time. This is a recent interview on a program called Peak Moment which I subscribe to religiously. Coming to terms with the reality of peak oil in the midst of a society that is in complete denial can be socially isolating. To my knowledge Kathy McMahon is the only psychologist addressing the issues. I have blogged her before, but never contacted her in person. My X had a extreme reaction to Kathy's picture in the downloads of our shared computer. I often think how different the outcome would have been had Lori come to terms with peak oil and how my emotional well being could have been preserved had only I had some sort of support. Ironically, Lori works for a peakist these days, so I would guess her denial is constantly put in check.
Labels: cauldrons
Peak Moment,
Peak Oil,
Peak Oil Blues
Friday, August 19, 2011
SHE is Sold

Labels: cauldrons
Art Therapy,
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Syd's Air Conditioner
Every cat loves empty boxes. Syd is no exception. Yesterday Bill Piper brought my new air conditioner up the steps and placed it under my kitchen table. Syd tried to open the box because he hasn't had an empty box to play in since last summer when we moved in here. I got my free air conditioner from The Breathing Association on Tuesday as a result of my doctor writing me a prescription. I now have an official diagnosis of COPD which is a treatable condition but requires that air quality be monitored and in the case of this house improved. They will come to the house in a few days and inspect the plaster and debris that the workmen left in the heat ducts last summer that I breathed all winter every time the furnace kicked on. They didn't quite believe me on Tuesday when I described the problems with the house to the caseworker. I am hoping they will give me an official report that I can use in conjunction with the pictures I have already taken of the holes in the attic (covered in tar paper and roofing shingles but never repaired) as well as the flooding, black mold that has been effecting my health since I moved in here last summer. Perhaps something can be done legally to help offset my medical bills. The Breathing Association also paid $80 towards my electric and gas bills. They also provide home healthcare assistance and it may very well be I can get some help with my upcoming move in addition to legal aid. They were surprised to learn that my landlord was uncooperative with the weatherization program which would have only improved the house. If I were to be uncooperative with the changes they recommend I would be denied any further assistance. So it was imperative that I get someone official to look into the situation (debacle). My HEAP and PIPP programs will very likely follow me when I move, and I would have signed up for these programs last year but my landlord told me she was going to put in Central Air as well as replace the furnace. Her empty promises have cost me a year and have compromised my health.
These folks at the Breathing Association have saved my life this summer. My energy bills from November through March are now paid in full. My gas and electric were over $600 and it cost me every cent I had to keep the utilities on. I pity the people who move in this place after me. They will find out that this house is a sieve that will not hold heat, and will only deplete their bank account and compromise their health. It was unethical for my landlord to reconstruct the house without insulating it, repairing it, and only making cosmetic changes. It is unethical for her lawyer to try to sell the house for 3 times it's appraised value! Yesterday I noticed a Morning Glory growing out of the bottom corner of my door frame. I started pulling it out and it was over 15 feel long before I broke it off. It is not clear where it originated, or what is wrong with the door frame that would cause this. I suspect large holes in the walls (which should have had blown insulation prior to replacing the door) being filled with nature instead! I so wish I was staying long enough to take this woman to court and expose her for the slum lord she is!
Labels: cauldrons
Air Conditioner,
Breathing Association,
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Stubby's Offspring
Stubby the cat has fathered at least 2 kittens. I tried to get him to the vet before this happened but was delayed because of his broken off canine.There is little question that these half grown kittens are Stubby's. They have tails that are bobbed just like his. It is not certain that I get to take Stubby with me when I move. I will do what I can to see that his offspring are nuetered. If you can contribute to this project please consider the donate button at the top right hand side of this blog. I would be going to Rascal Unit.
Labels: cauldrons
Stubby The Cat
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Djun Dun Drum For Sale

Labels: cauldrons
Columbus Community Drummers,
Columbus Womens Drum Chorus,
Djun Dun Drumm
Monday, August 15, 2011
Paid Surveys

1. Who Can Earn Reward Points:
Any legal resident of the 50 United States and Washington DC, age 14 or older, who is currently a member of the interactive panel or who joins the interactive panel. Minors under the age of 18 must obtain the consent of their parent or legal guardian in order to earn Reward Points. Employees of Lightspeed Research or their subsidiaries and members of their households or immediate families are not eligible to participate.
2. How to Earn Points: interactive panel members earn Reward Points for the following:
- 10 Points for joining the panel
- Up to 1500 Points for taking a survey (depending on length and content)
- 150 Points for referring an eligible member to the panel
3. Point Value:
1,150 Reward Points have a cash value of $10.00. Member accounts below 1,000 Points have no cash value.
4. Point Accrual:
Points will be deposited in the member's account in as little as a few seconds to as much as 3 months after they earn them (for registering, for taking a survey or for referring a new member). Points for registering are usually added in seconds whereas referral Points take longer because the new member must submit the survey that comes with his/her welcome email before Points are awarded. Only one member per household can join, subsequent memberships will be deleted and all Points forfeited.
5. Viewing Points: members can view their current point accounts online after they become a member at the Rewards section of this site. This section of the site is restricted to members only and members must enter user name and password to view Points.
6. Redeeming Points: members can redeem Points anytime they have accumulated 1,000 or more Points. Points may be exchanged for selected merchandise anytime a member has the requisite number of Points. Points must be redeemed online. This section of the site is restricted to members only and members must be logged in with their official user name and password to redeem Points.
Rewards redeemed as charitable contributions are not tax deductible for the individual member. IRS regulations stipulate that the donation must come directly from the donor to be tax deductible.
At present, members have a choice of redeeming Points for a variety of electronically-fulfilled and physical items. Point redemption methods may be added, removed or substituted in the future at the sole discretion of
7. Delivery of Rewards:
Members are responsible for making sure mailing address is correct. An opportunity is provided to supply, edit and confirm name, address, and contact information at the time of reward redemption. Furthermore, or its incentive provider will mail prizes/merchandise only to legal U.S. addresses located with the 50 United States and Washington DC.
8. Point Redemption at Termination of Panel Membership:
Panel members who terminate membership will forfeit all Points in their Reward Points account. Those who wish to terminate panel membership and have Points in their account may choose to redeem any available Points provided they have sufficient Points for reward redemption. Redemption options start at 1,000 Points. Any point redemption must be done prior to officially unsubscribing. Those who have Points in their account at termination forfeit all Points. New panel members who do not respond to their first survey invitation (sent via email shortly after joining) or any of the reminders will be assumed to have registered in error. Membership will be deactivated and Points will be forfeited 2 weeks after the third email. Other panel members who have not responded to five or more consecutive survey notifications will be contacted via email to ascertain their interest in continuing membership. If no response is obtained from the panelist within 2 weeks of notification, will assume the member wishes to cease participation, the membership will be deactivated and all Points will be forfeited.
9. Program Duration/Program Modification: reserves the right to terminate or modify the Reward Points Program at its discretion at any time. Modifications may include (but are not limited to) additions or deletions to the list of ways Points may be earned or modifications to point values for existing methods of earning Points. will alert its membership via email about any changes on or before the effective date. Such changes will also be posted on the relevant pages of the website on or before the date of implementation.
10. Limits of Liability: and its incentive providers have no responsibility whatsoever for injuries, losses, or damages of any kind that result from acceptance, possession, or use of any Reward Points, their cash value or merchandise redeemed with Reward Points. and its incentive providers are not responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected prizes or merchandise sent to panel members.
11. Member Responsibilities:
Members are solely responsible for the reporting and payment of any tax liabilities incurred.
12. Official Rules:
For a hard copy of the Reward Points Program official rules, send a self-addressed stamped envelope with a written request to:
P.O. Box 474
Toledo, OH 43654
Labels: cauldrons
Paid Surveys
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Electric In Coshocton
My new prospective landlord emailed me yesterday and asked me if I was going to be able to afford $200 electric bills in the winter at the cabin. The cabin is all electric. And while I am happy to be able to drop Columbia Gas from my monthly bills, I am cautious about taking on a $200 a month power bill. I went to great pains this spring to sign up for percentage of income programs and am now paying off my winter electric and gas bills. The cabin has been vacant for years so I know I am not going to be able to use previous electric bills to determine what my monthly bill will be. The power company out there is not AEP and they require a $150 deposit. There may not be a PIPP program out there. So my move is on hold till I can speak with someone "in power" who can give me some basic answers as I do not want to move into a situation that is unsustainable and lose the benefits that I have worked so hard to obtain. I am thankful that the people I would be renting from are concerned enough to give voice to this issue before I move in. I am confident that I can find ways to lower my electric bill. Here is a link to some ways to lower your electricity bill. I admit I have not tried them all. but I was able to lower Lori and I's electric bill from $90 a month to $19 while I lived there by using the ideas in a book called Crunch Cons: The New Conservative Counterculture by Rod Dreher. I don't consider myself a conservative in a political context. I do consider myself as a conservationist, don't want to be wasteful, and I don't want to cause myself economic hardship by not paying attention to my own energy consumption. Next subject to address is whether or not my new landlords are going to welcome rain barrels!
Labels: cauldrons
Coshocton County Ohio,
Rain Barrels Electric
Saturday, August 13, 2011
More Glassware
Here is some more of my glass collection. I was not able to display much of this collection when I lived on Deming as the windows were the territory of 4 cats. The Horse bookends are very possibly Heisey glassware which was made in Licking County where I grew up.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Glass Collection

A dear friend gave me a new piece of glass for my birthday last month. The leo the lion on the right is the newest additon to my bottle and glass collection. Thanks Eve. It looks really nice next to my other bottles and glassware in my windows. I had to remove the sticker on the back so the light would not catch it. Hopefully I will think to ask her what the glass company name is so that I can remember for future bragin rights! I am not packing my glass up until the very last day as it gladdens my heart to see the light shining through.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Peak Oil Survey
Please take a few minutes to take this peak oil survey. Even if you don't believe in peak oil this is an opportunity to share your opinion.
Labels: cauldrons
Peak Oil
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Recycle Your PC At Freegeek
I started volunteering at Freegeek this week. It is a wonderful program that keeps your old PC out of the landfill. A volunteer like myself can volunteer 20 hours and then pick out a refurbished computer. Freegeek was started in Oregon and the nearest one to Columbus is Chicago. So I feel very fortunate to be able to replace the computer my X let me use with one that will allow me to return hers. I will also learn how to wipe clean the hard drive. So when I return Lori's computer to her, it will be ready for use again. I am working with great people and I can come and go as I please. I couldn't think of a better way to be able to have a computer and return one that I borrowed and....or course save the earth in the process.
Labels: cauldrons
FreeGeek Columbus,
Recycle Your PC
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Cute Cumber
Yesterday I discovered my very first cucumber that I planted on the neighbors fence post early spring. It is about 4 inches long and an inch or so wide. Just about the right size for one of those single dill pickles in a plastic bag you see in the grocery stores. Methinks it is a work of art!
Labels: cauldrons
Garden in the city,
Urban Gardens
Monday, August 8, 2011
Goddess Country

I haven't signed a lease yet. But I am 99% sure that Syd and I are going to New Guillford Ohio to live next. Maybe we can squeeze Stubby the cat in as well (wink, wink) The view is spectacular. The cabin is rough. My weatherization grant will be welcome as an asset and improvement...rather than a landlord looking down her nose at my poverty and disability. I will certainly miss Columbus, friends, and the opportunities that I have experienced. Hopefully I will be able to continue some of my activities. It is all up in the air at this point. Goodbye Columbus...hello goddess country!
Labels: cauldrons
Log Cabin,
New Guillford
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Checkin Out My New Digs
I found a really neat 1 bedroom apartment (log cabin) near my sister. I may take it for a year. It certainly would be dryer and of course I would look closely at the contract. Syd is not I would be looking to find someone to take him for a year. Still is a nice place for a nice price...and the people are willing to work with me. I am excited.
Labels: cauldrons
Crossing The Rubicon,
Friday, August 5, 2011
New Article

I got another article published yesterday. I took an assignment from the yahoo contributer network. The assignment was about my favorite truck. Click here to read the article.
Labels: cauldrons
Chevy S-10,
Yahoo Contributer Network
Thursday, August 4, 2011
That's More Like It
I am happy to report that I finally got some nice looking tomatoes yesterday. Maybe the dry rot was just a passing phase. I am also happy to report that I have 15 followers to this blog as of today. Welcome Kim! Nothing makes me more happy than to wake up, sign in, and see that some new person has taken the time to subscribe to my blog. I have been busy searching for my new home this summer, so I haven't been able to attend to my writing as much as I would like. I made a little money this spring by submitting some writing to the yahoo network. I get paid for that writing whenever someone reads the articles. It is only a couple cents a hit, but it all adds up. I consider this blog to be "priming the pump". And yes that is a Fiesta bowl in the picture. Sunflower is the official name I believe. You can buy anything on Amazon!
Labels: cauldrons
Cereal Bowl,
Homer Laughlin,
Roma Tomatoes
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Dry Rot
My Roma Tomatoes are all dry rotted. Some even before they get red. This is both at my community garden plot and the container here at home. My friend Tom P. says it is drought. I have a hard time believing it is drought as my basement is flooded every time it rains! My rain barrel is full from the pop up storms. I water here every day and at the community gardens a couple times a week. If anyone knows how I can combat this problem, please contact me. If I can save these tomatoes, I will give you some.
Labels: cauldrons
Annie's Memorial Community Garden,
Dry Rot
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Frontline Plus
I have to score some Frontline today. Syd finally has fleas, and I can't wait the 4 days for an eBay auction to end and snail mail. My new bank is not posting my monthly check on the 1st of the month, so I was not able to get it for him yesterday. I have found that Frontline is the only flea medicine that is reliable. There isn't any Frontline over on this side of town (so far), so I will need to travel in order to get it. It is unfortunate that I can't buy a single dose as I am trying to save money toward my upcoming move. It is a trade off like most things. A single dose on eBay would cost $12.95. 3 doses over $30. If I go to a PetPeople type place, it may be even more but I can get it today. If I were staying, I would try to get a big bottle that I could use on Stubby and his cat colony. They don't seem to have fleas though. Syd is late in getting them this year. I think that is due to the brewers yeast tablets he chews every day and that he doesn't go outside much. I brush him everyday. I am sure that helps.
Labels: cauldrons
Brewers Yeast,
Monday, August 1, 2011
Ban Them!
I know I am ready to see the plastic bag be banned. I talked with a fellow at our local carryout who says that people in his country get arrested, fined, and questioned if they are caught with a plastic bag. It takes 12 million barrels of oil to make enough bags for American consumers. Looks like this issue might make it to the Ohio ballot box.. Check out the article on The Free Press site. And you can start by banning plastic bags in your own life. Click here for more information.
Labels: cauldrons
Plastic Bags,
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