Finally a sign in the storefront of our neighborhood rain barrel store.They are called Rain Brothers according to the sign in the window. Rain Brothers has been in business for awhile it seems. But they now have a storefront. I must confess to have been checking out this storefront almost daily since we started selling rain barrels this summer. I have suspected that rain barrels and rain catchment systems are being built all over the city. Perhaps it was the shortage of parts to assemble them that got me thinking about the 100th Monkey phenomenon. I imagined that there was a parts shortage because lots of people were building rain barrels this summer. These two brothers have a mission and purpose to their business that we don't have. They are trying to make a positive mark towards eliminating gang violence. I am glad that we are not doing that as I don't guess two chicks selling rain barrels have any business trying to interact with gang folk. As you can see in my photo they also have platforms to elevate the rain barrels. This helps out when you need the force of gravity to help pump out the water. We used our rain water the other day to fill up our washing machine. We had to do that one bucket at a time. If our barrel was higher than our washing machine then we could fill it with a hose. This is an example of why such a platform can be useful. Check out their website now and you will see that there may be a waiting period. They are booked. In the mean time we still have some barrels at got rain. We have added a water usage chart to help you decide that you might need to conserve and save some money.
Be sure to find rain barrels which offer mesh mosquito guards, and also look for barrels which have overflow valves-allowing the excess water to flow out of the rain barrels and away from your foundation. Hooking a drip hose to this valve is a great way to give your garden or flower bed a constant source of moisture.
Be sure to find rain barrels which offer mesh mosquito guards, and also look for barrels which have overflow valves-allowing the excess water to flow out of the rain barrels and away from your foundation. Hooking a drip hose to this valve is a great way to give your garden or flower bed a constant source of moisture.
If you are looking for parts - check out the rain barrel parts kits at
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