
Saturday, June 8, 2019

Thank You For Littering!

Today I am working on a painting that I have been thinking about for 30 years.  I picked up trash every Sunday while living in Bath Maine a picturesque little village on the Kennebec River near the ocean.  I always had two fully loaded cameras with me hoping I could snap the perfect picture without trash.  I would spend hours and talked to God during my adventure.  I was never able to get perfect pictures without trash in the frame in spite of  5 cent deposits on bottles and cans and signs prohibiting and fining littering.  Since that time California has banned plastic straws and bags.  Ironically, California passes out free plastic syringes that litter the streets in LA and San Francisco I am told.  Thank You For Littering is for sale.  You can find me on Facebook @Concha Hendershot Castaneda.  And please try to not litter because it is the right thing to do.

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