
Monday, May 7, 2018

Trump should say "Get Off My Lawn" to the media


I just finished Jeorme Corsi's book Killing The Deep State and believe that one of the things the Trump loyalists must do is immediately relocate the white house press core to across the street; and separated from the west wing altogether.  Corsi makes great points about why this needs to happen.  I can't hear Sarah Huckabee Sanders say to them..."get off my lawn".  Trump would be good...I would like that too.  But Sarah has had to put up with alot of stuff from these jackels.  I respect her, I would like to see her expel the fake at least across the street.  She might not have that perhaps President Trump could do it.  I bet Clint Eastwood would do it probably for free.  I know I would.  I just want someone to do it.  Tell the media...get off my lawn".  I'm making popcorn for this ahead of time:)
I highly recommend Killing The Deep State by Jerome Corsi.  I got my copy from the local library and waited on a list to get it.  It was worth waiting for.  Thank you Phd Corsi?

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