
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Lock And Load In The Name Of Jesus

Why would Christians try to arm themselves?  Why would they conceal and carry? I took this photo in March 2016.  I got outrage directed at me for even presenting this photo on Facebag.  Look at all that has happened since then, and what is happening now.

Sell your cloak and buy a sword is the message from scripture.  Many of you came after me for posting this photo last year. Luke 22:36. I know my Bible.  Jesus was/is a revolutionary, and you must be willing to understand all of what He was coming up against instead of thinking it was all Kumbaya.  I know that song too.  This is not a time to sing that song!

There is all sorts of words of Jesus that suggest he was not a man of peace.
Matthew 21:12 a description of Jesus beating the bankers out of the temple of the time.  They were also abusing animals (Doves), for all you "Folks" that are animal rights "Folks" (Obama was talking to us "Folks" as he was murdering "Folks" in other country's . Selling doves for sacrifice for money!"  I love it when a political leader can refer to us as folks, and the folks he kills as folks as if we don't matter!  We should all bow down to global warming taxes that go to Al Gore, but allow killing all these "Folks" that he murdered with droans.  We should be outraged, as we were sold a bill of goods through the TV and media.  
My favorite bumper sticker from the 70's was Jesus is coming, and He is pissed! As I am.  I am outraged! My family has failed me, my government has failed me, and all the churches I have ever joined have also failed me.  Jesus has never failed me My true friends have never forsaken me...but they might not see what I see.  I appeal to Him.  He told his disciples to sell their cloaks and buy a weapon on the eve of his impending death.  What should I do?
  It takes about 15 minutes for the police to come to an altercation in my town.  By the time they get here, people are already hurt, dead, and crime scene compromised.  I take my comfort and advise from Jesus.  Notice He didn't say pray in his "buy a sword speech"....he said arm yourselves in relation to the sword.  He was the highest authority according to him, then, and now.  Sell your cloak and buy and Glock LOL is what I say (I am not Jesus) interpreted from Jesus:)   But please don't make fun of me for my photo from a year ago where a church had discernment enough to arm and train themselves. AND PROTECT THEIR KIDS.  We all have the right to defend ourselves....period!   Don't even ask me about Q!

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