
Monday, January 22, 2018

Tulsi Gabbard for President

 Official 113th Congressional photo of Tulsi Gabbard
I can imagine this woman as the first woman president of the United States Of America.  I confess that I voted for Trump because I did not want to vote for a criminal.  I knew Hillary was a criminal.  My fellow feminist comrades were willing to overlook the criminal cartel of the Clinton's just to have a woman be president.
This includes murder, in addition to fraud and most probably treason.  I invite you to watch what happens next.  I no longer have to believe in a government that lets the Clintons off the hook.  Still though, I believe in the process of government....and people like Tulsi Gabbard.  Please consider her for nomination for the first woman president  of the United State's of America.  Rather than someone who robbed the white house on her way out....rather than someone who set up a charity for Haiti, that never got any of that money.  Thank God Hillary did not get elected.  All is not lost though.  Please consider Tulsi Gabbard as a better contender for the white house.  Just hateing Trump is not gonna get it.  You have to have a platform, and you have to have a candidate.  Just sayin....

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