
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Agenda 21, The Georgia Guidestones, and such

Some of us still have a lot of heart in us.  We know what you are up to you globalist elitists, you Agenda 21 people....we are comin for you....when we catch our breath.  If you really believe in agenda 21, then, you go first!  We will never bow down to your New World Order....your Georgia Guide Stones.
  I may have not been able to make it down to Texas this time to rescue animals and people.  My truck wasn't up to it.  I went last time though.  What sort of dumb ass would leave their cat, dog, or even cattle behind?  Back then, or now?  I would stay with my cat, if they told me I could not take him on the bus....which is what George Bush did.  Obama, didn't even take a break from the golf course for Sandy...  I drove down to Hurricane Katrina to rescue pets that were left in the houses.  I would do it again!  That is what I did way back in hurricane Katrina.  I was the one who went down there and rescued animals.  I met a lot of people who refused to leave because the buses that would take them out of harms way....would not take their animals.  I have a bit of PTSD from that war zone.  The dumb ass population has doubled since then, I would guess....dumb asses getting pets because it looks good on Facebag!  I despise you, if you left your pet during Harvey.  I spit on you.  Good thing that Jesus forgives you, because I don't!  I see it all around me, people just not caring for anyone other than themselves.  I do see some people that are payin attention.  Hopefully, I will be with you in heaven....proly not, because, I am still in the kick over the temple and spittin stage.  Thank you everyone who helped out this time around.  Thank you for your service  Those who didn't help last time...or this time....FUCK YOU!

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