
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Past Kitchen Work Space

This is an enlarger that I carted back and forth across the country since 1984.  That was the kitchen in 1997 on Maholm Street here in Newark.  I liked that space, but I was having horrific problems with "the church" and it was clear that I needed to get out of this county.  I have lost most everything that is in this photo.  My new scanner/printer is much lighter than the enlarger.  I wonder if it will enlarge?  One thing for sure, photography is way different than it was back in the day of film, developing, and photo enlargers.  For years, I took no pictures, because I could not afford to have them developed.  I lost interest in a thing that had interested me enough to procure and transport dark room equipment.  More evidence that when I have the tools, I can do good things!

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