
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I Did It!

It occured to me yesterday that I need to return this computer to Lori Rayburn who paid for it and loaned it to me.  However, I was not going to leave my hard drive or RAM memory cards in it as I will be leaving it on her porch next time I am in Columbus.  I don't keep things that do not belong to me.  After 19 hours of recycling all makes and models of computers, I know how to remove these parts.  It is a matter of removing screws, finding clips, and then putting it all back together.  She will not appreciate this gesture, but I will feel better knowing I return what I borrow.  Thank you FreeGeek, and Licking County Computer Society for teaching me how to do this very important thing.

post script  Thank you Lori Rayburn for loaning this computer to me.

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