
Sunday, April 13, 2014

I Got A Grant For 2014

Yesterday, after my 10 hours volunteer stint with the local computer society,  I got word in the mail that I am going to receive a grant this year.  I had come to a standstill on most of my projects, but had taken on writing a book about Perryton Ohio.  The Ohio Art Council is going to fund my painting series, replace my disabled camera, and hopefully the grant will cover some of my travel expenses as I interview key persons in relation to the book.  I was out of the crucial colors I need to proceed with the historic paintings I had started when I was painting Everything's Peachy.  Last week I helped "broker" a car that was disabled and sitting out on my street, and to my surprise received a gift for Hobby Lobby from a grateful neighbor.  I bought two colors of acrylic paint, and some beads for my feathers that will go on my American Dream Catcher.  I bought a detail brush that will help me finish the paintings.  My computer will be upgraded with a refurbished computer that we took in at our recycling event, and in 4 weeks I should up and running full speed with nothing holding me back.  It has been a long haul.
Two years ago, I was halfway to getting a computer, with 10 hours volunteer time at Freegeek in Columbus.  The program closed before I could finish.  Yesterday was the finish line on that project.  It has been frustrating to try to make an old computer with little memory capacity work with the tasks I have been given.  Like "pullin teeth" as the saying goes to alunch eBay auctions!  I broke my camera last April, and began the process of writing the grant to replace it.  It takes a while to do these simple things while my peers just go out and buy what they need when they need it.  I have survived on a grant in 2012, and in kind donations.  I am anxious to get back into the mode, gather momentum and finish all the projects that I have started and that I know I can complete.  It is my perseverance that wins out, no matter the odds.  Thank you Art Council for all you do.  Thank you friends and neighbors for your in kind donations and your enthusiastic support.

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