
Thursday, January 9, 2014

You Are Invited To Attend

In fact, the year got better and better in spite of the monsters I had to deal with through the Columbus Court.  I have survived much pain throughout the years from greedy and back stabbing people who have pretended to be my friend while conspiring against me.  A therapist one time told me that these people are jealous of me.  That amazes me.  Why would anyone be jealous of me?  I live below the poverty line.  She said, they wern't jealous of my financial situation, they were jealous of my talent.  I believe that everyone has talent.  If I didn't make jewelry, I wouldn't have any jewelry to wear.  If I didn't make paintings, I wouldn't have any paintings to hang on my walls etc.  It is also true, that if I didn't have jealous envious enemy's I could give lots more to the world than what I have.  These yeyhoos have just held me up:)  Trying to squelch me, doesn't give them the talent they envy.....It just makes them look bad, and it just slows me down a bit.  For me, art is therapy.  If someone is jealous of my art, then they should just make their own art!  I don't get hung up on other folks talent.  I just get more resolute each time someone like that tries to stop me.  Just because they destroyed my kiln, doesn't mean I won't do ceramics in the future.  My Higher Power will give me a kiln, or access to one, if that is what I am going to work on.  It is hard to start a piece, when there is no way to fire it.  For now, I will use these hands to make art....I will use whatever I already have, and anything I may come across.  The paint in Everything's Peachy was recycled, and gifts from friends, and even a stranger.  

I wish I could show the world all the things that I can do.  I will continue to try to get the supplies I need, and the financial support I need.  The best is yet to come.  When I was working on this painting, other paintings were started.  Finally, I ran out of paint.  It will take months to get the paint I need to finish them.  In fact, that is how I work.  I use what I already have.  If I have to stop one sort of project till I can get a supply, then I jump to some other project that I do have the supply's.  I would be making knives this week as I have my momentum juiced up from Brian's knife.  The problem is, I need safety glasses.  I took chances making Brian's knife, and promised my Higher Power, that if I got through that project without losing my only eye, I wouldn't make any more knives or operate any more power tools till I get a pair.  This is very different than making a deal with the devil!  The devil isn't my Higher Power.  The Great Spirit (whatever you conceive that to be) is my Higher Power.  You may call him God, or you may call her the goddess.  It matters not.  What matters is whether you are part of creation and the creative process, or destructive forces (such as my former landlord).

Now some of you came to the reception at the library last summer as well as the exhibition.  What a treat it was to see Mayda, my neighbor from Columbus.  I almost didn't recognize her because she was out of context.  And she came with a friend that I had met on Derrik Jensons chat room.  Two very talented women who I don't get to see very often traveled all the way to Newark to attend! 

Please mark your calendars dear readers.  March 8th at the Westerville Commuity Center.  I would love to see each and every one of you.  It is a great show, with many talented artist's participating.

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