
Friday, October 18, 2013

Facebook Like Button

This was an attempt at installing a Facebook like button.  I had to get a whole new facebook page specifically for artists, profile picture, hour of my life I will never get is the code that I was trying to get into the template.

" data-width="The pixel width of the plugin" data-height="The pixel height of the plugin" data-colorscheme="light" data-layout="standard" data-action="like" data-show-faces="true" data-send="false">This should be easy as I already have the picture.  I already have written the bio.  I already have a facebook page.  I already installed like buttons of all sorts at the end of each blog entry.  Eventually, I will find someone, probably a librarain who will know exactly how to do this.  In the meantime, please dear readership click on my already installed like button at the end of this blogspot.
One day, I will find someone who knows about these templates and I will erase the Amazon ad at the bottom of the blog page as I have never generated one penny of income from having it installed.  I have been here an hour and a half, and I seriously need to get back to painting at my house.  Making the art is more important than promoting the art I suspect!

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