
Monday, July 1, 2013

Check Day

Today is check day.  The day I pay rent, and pay my utilities.  For the first time in months, I was able to tell my landlord how she was a good landlord in comparison to my last landlord (She got wind of my trial and people alerted her unnecessarily).  It came down to receipts of course.  My landlord wouldn't think of taking cash without a receipt.  Her eye brows raised, when I told her that in addition to the destruction of my kiln, that my x landlord had not paid a water bill for a year before I moved it.  I didn't get around to telling her how this same landlord didn't have clear title to the property, had not paid the taxes, and had not registered the property as a rental!  She now knows most of the story.  Before the snow flies, she will know all the story I would guess.  Our neighborhood watch is clamping down on the drug of the bad guys is living in a tent on the property as we speak.  He just got out of jail.....we are mystified as to how!  It won't be long now, before the final scene is played out, and he is hopefully gone for good.  I feel blessed to have a landlord that gives receipts, that takes care of her property, and who genuinely cares about the neighborhood, as well as her tenants.  Who ever it was that dropped a note in her door in April, it only served to make her suspicious of you, and your intentions.....not me.

post script:  I guess there is a list of bad landlords that I can get Nesley put on, in addition to alerting all the agencies that she owes money to.  If landlords had to be currant with their taxes and their property titles....and if they had to pay all that before being eligible to take a tenant to court:  The city would make a lot of money!  The court would not be near as overbooked as it is.  Just sayin!

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