
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

 Back In 2002, I had a stalker who beat me to the courthouse.  He, and his family filed a civil protection order against me, before I could file one against him!  It was a gross miscarriage of justice.  I had just finished with my Granville case that I had taken all the way to The Ohio Supreme Court (totally fabricated, falsified, and framed me into a criminal).  I had reported my stalker to my landlord because he was not only stalking me, but also my female visitor friends.  His sister, and mother lived with him in a studio apartment.  These people fought all day, and all night.  The walls were thin.  I could not imagine where these people slept, as these studios were only big enough for a hide a bed couch...not 3 beds.  I had a boil that was draining and the stalkers sister came banging on my door to turn my music down.  I was pretty exasperated by that in that these people obviously didn't understand how loud they were.  It was a case of people who were lobbing stones from their glass house.  I was playing Carol King.  I was not playing Nine Inch Nails!  The sister of the stalker must have knocked on my door 6 or 7 times telling me to turn down my music.  The music was loud enough that I didn't have to hear them through my wall fighting.  I tried to ignore her.
On the 7th knock (7 times, not 7 knocks), I answered my door fully armed, and the stalkers sister called 911.
I ended up getting beat up by 4 police officers for defending my own door.  I was arraigned in a wheelchair.  By the time I got to pretrial I had seen my court appointed lawyer who you can read about in the link below.  I really could not make this shit up!  I have always thought that I would probably do pretty well up against my enemies if only I could get decent representation.  Unfortunately, indigent defendants are not allowed to select their attorneys, so I have had some real doozies.  I decided to plea bargain to a lesser charge in this instance as my attorney really didn't want to defend me, and I really didn't want to face my stalker, his family, and the 5 police officers who beat the hell out of me.  I ended up almost getting evicted over this sex offender turning the legal system on me.  Had I had a good attorney, he would have looked up Jasons past history of stalking and sex offenses, and they would have put him on trial instead of me.  But my attorney was into his own hot water it seems, so I was not going to take any chances of any jail time for that perverts good deception.  Lots of folks probably think I should just walk away when someone screws me over.  Sometimes I do...even when I have been in the right.

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