
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Saint Gail

This (postcard) is exactly what I was trying to figure out how to do.  The image of my metal quilt placed on the official post card for A Day of Arts for All.  My friend and fellow blogger Gail put this together for me yesterday at the exact same time I was trying to figure out how to do it here at the library.  Now that is some synchronicity!  So many people have helped me with this project that I wanted a personal invitation to send everybody.  The idea is good, but I may not be able to fund it.  Yesterday, I watched a webinar about fiscal sponsorship and it is the next step I have to take in order to apply for matching grants for future projects like The Quilt Of Elizabeth Brim.  The webinar was jam packed with information that I can use to try to find a perfect match for what I do, and plan to do.  I have to remember that the metal quilt idea was born in the mid 2000's and only this year manifested.  I have a whole drawing board stashed full of ideas like that, that just need my "unbending intent" to complete them.  The rest of the week will be filled with contacting appropriate media to tell them about the show.  I noticed this morning that our local recycle hub has not been emptied out since after Christmas.  No doubt I will get to the bottom of whatever that problem is, as I seek out a fiscal sponsor that may indeed be linked in with recycling.  I would not have any problem in Columbus bridging the gap of art and recycling.  It may be more difficult here in Licking County as they are just now coming on board with recycling, and it is just a matter of time (hopefully) they will see that there is art to be made out of recyclables.  For now my ideas are tenuous, and I really miss Columbus, the diversity of ideas, as well as the opportunities.

  I had coffee with an old friend of mine this morning and it seems that both of us will be trying to leave Licking County in the next few months (crosses her fingers).  It is just not a big enough place for either of our ideas and projects.  I may try one or two non profit organizations in the area, and then pitch my ideas back in Columbus.  It may be time to think about leaving the area altogether...I only came back here to help my sister out last winter.  That didn't go so well, and now it feels like I am stuck here.  All is not lost though, I can probably tap into most of the art in Licking County that is happening within a couple blocks of this library.  We'll see what transpires next as I work through the process.  Mark your calendars dearest readers...March 2, 2013 for The 5th Annual Day Of Arts for All.  I will post the location and directions to the show mid February or so.  Maybe some of you will get a post card invitation that Gail put together.  You are all so talented.  I look forward to meeting you at the show.  Please plan on coming.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, glad to do it. Your postcards are in the works; all you will need to do is address them and mail them out.


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