
Friday, December 14, 2012

The Granville Labyrinth Project

I don't have a lot of pictures of the First Baptist Church labyrinth I helped them make in 1996.  I do have this picture that someone gave me a while back.  I am drumming in the far background for a couple of labyrinth walkers in this shot.  I worked hard on that project, and am thankful that there are people that are still around that remember me, and know that the new "revised" and recent history is false (September Advocate).  I wrote to the local paper, sent them the old press release and article, but I am not expecting a retraction or anything.  You can bet this isn't the last of it though.  I don't have to know exactly what they (the evil church) are up to in order to try and circumvent their goals.  Some of the folks on that original project would be in their 70's by now...not much labyrinth walking left in them I would guess.  But...second generation WASP's might pick up where they left off.  
I have a bracelet commissioned to finish this weekend, and preparations for Thursdays' trial.  My writing muse continues to wake me and remind me that I have stories to tell.  The second metal quilt replica is well on it's way to being finished as soon as I can re up on my drill bits and find another back board.  So much to do and not much light to do it in.  I look forward to the increasing light beginning December 21st.      

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