
Friday, December 7, 2012

Elizabeth Brim's Quilt Piece

I entered my metal quilt replica into a traveling exhibition this week.  Keep your fingers crossed for me dear readership as the opportunity to show it around here are limited.  I realized after I sent in the application, that my title "Metal Quilt Replica" was rather boring and non-descriptive.  This morning I sent them this photo (they requested a JEPEG whatever the hell that is!), and I respectfully requested to change the name of the piece.  The new name for this work is Elizabeth Brim's Quilt Piece.  I have not ever had the opportunity to work with Elizabeth, but she has effected me and my work through 3 of my metal teachers who have worked with her.
  I would very much like to do a workshop with Elizabeth Brim someday, and I would love to do her biography as well.  In fact I would rather start her biography today!  BUT NOooooo, Concha can't work on something that kool or wholesome.  Concha has to file an objection to the plaintiff's objection or some other happy horseshit.  Nesley's attorney has had to step down because of health reasons and a new attorney will replace him.  Meanwhile his final unethical act as an attorney is once again trying to ask for a summary judgement to circumvent the whole trial!  Above this, and below my metal quilt is a piece done by Elizabeth Brim.  It captures her genius quite well, as she is able to make metal look like ribbon, paper...sometimes cloth.  You can read about Elizabeth Brim and see other samples of her work here.  Oh....and before I forget.  Welcome Sean J. newest follower to this blog.  Sean is my 23rd follower, but I had 300 hits to this blog on the 5th, and it looks like about 250 people hit this blog in between blogs.  I will try my best not to disappoint!

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