
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bolen Family Plot

It was rainy cold and windy on Sunday but my friend Louise and I prevailed and found my ancestors family plot in the oldest part of Hanover Cemetery.  We were looking for my Great Grandmother Laura Bell Bolen O'Flaherty Armentrout.  We did not find her Sunday.  I know she is in there somewhere though.  George Robert Bolen was the son of Colonel Robert George Bolen (Boling before the name change) who married Jane Rolfe the Granddaughter of Pocahontas.  I am guessing that George Robert Bolen is buried in Virginia.  It is always great to see my friend Louise, and I can't think that there is anyone else out there that would be willing to sleuth around in a graveyard on such a crappy day helping me find my ancestors.  Many of my family members are buried in the Hanover Cemetery.  We found my Grandpa Russ, his brother George.  As we were leaving I ran across the stone of Georgiana Harsh who is also on my genealogy chart.  Louise mentioned the last time she visited that Robert Henry Hendershot (drummer boy of Rappahannock) may have known the Bolen family.  It is a strange little coincidence to ponder, both sides of my family tree in Virginia around the same time period.  But I think that Robert Henry Hendershot came to Virginia with the Michigan regiment, and was up to no good (burning and pillaging Fredericksburg) and general mischief.  The two sides of my family didn't get together till my mom and dad got married.  As time goes on, and I continue my search, I may uncover more of the mystery.

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