
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Taking A Break

I will be taking a break from my metal quilt project this weekend to attend Hot Times (my second favorite Columbus festival).  I am so close to finishing up that I almost don't want to go. The pieces that are unfinished on the table in front of the quilt are 5 of the 7 that I need to rap this project up.  I am hoping for that Hershey's tin, but I may have to just use that in my next project.  And believe you me, there will be a next one, as I have already received much praise and interest in future quilt replicas!  Maybe I will find some turquoise metal this weekend while I am in Columbus.  I hope to see you there dear readers.  It is a great festival with some great local talent.  I am also 14 days away from what is hopefully my final court date with Nesley Thomas, and have already informed the court clerk that the plaintiff has harassed me through social media, and by following me at the pretrial to the parking lot, and blocking me in so that I couldn't leave.  When will people learn that intimidation will not ever work on me, and will only make me more resolute in winning.  I will be bringing friends to court with me, so I don't expect a repeat of the plaintiffs childish behavior after she loses her claim.  I may have to put off mounting the quilt till after September 20th as I prepare my case which is akin to preparing for battle.  My blogs for the next two weeks may be sporadic as I prepare to defeat my enemy in court. 

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