
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Buddy Is Out Of Jail!

I am happy to report that I got my buddy Les Paul out of Uncle Sam's jail (Pawn Shop) on Saturday and I spent Sunday getting reacquainted.  The last time I saw Les was October 19th when I went to court against Nesley and her unethical lawyer.  I knew at the time that the deck was stacked against me (60%/40%) but my buddy Les stepped up to the plate and offered himself for ransom so that I could get a storage shed and the fuel for the trips to and fro.  This is the longest time that Les has ever served time at Uncle Sam's and I have promised him that I won't let anything like that ever happen to him again.  Lots of people have helped me out since last October and almost everybody without exception knows the sacrifice that I made and have had to endure since that time.  Lucky for me that my not so worthy opponents are grandiose and greedy, and that one of my virtues is patience.  I will be going back to court on September 20th for hopefully the final round with my X slumlord.  She will have a bit of trouble making her case in the face of the evidence I plan to present to the judge next month.  I think her greed and grandiosity will come through loud and clear as these two things are not easily hidden.  I have been told that I am loyal and trusting to a fault...which is true (two of my shortcomings).  That is what got me into this mess in the first place.  I am still waiting on my USB cable from Hong Kong and won't be able to show any updates on the metal quilt unless a friend drops by with a camera and can take the shot.  Likewise, this is not a photo of my Les, but it is his identical twin that I got from Google images.

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