
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Turning The Tables

I have finished with my reports about my sisters Crystal Meth activities and hopefully can get back to the business of silversmithing and larger art projects.  My sister has been engaging in some felonious crimes in addition to trying to have me removed permanently from her property.  She and her boss Jeff at ITM Marketing removed pain medication from her former boss's deathbed before Hospice could retrieve it.  The way Raquel tells the story is that Suzi (dying) wasn't even dead yet when she (my sister) revealed to Jeff hospices practice of removing such medications.  So this winter when I was staying with Raquel, she and Jeff sold these pain meds to the local meth heads.  Raquel is fond of that story and she told it often.  The problem is that once the meth heads knew she had this medication in her gun safe, they called her all hours of the day to get it,  Her son Taran was sent to rob the safe at one point, and couldn't have been successful without the combination that he got from Raquels X husband who continues to allude capture.
Today, both area hospices are getting my account of what my sister told me they did.  My purpose for being at Raquels was her decision to stop having anything to do with the meth heads.
Within a week of me moving in with her, she was back in with them, and at that point...I was in the way.
On the night of February 17th my sister staged the execution of the neighbors orange cat.  My actions to prevent her from doing this are fairly predictable.  What I didn't realize at the time was that she was attempting to get me arrested and removed from the property by calling 911 and falsifying a domestic violence incident.  While the Coshocton County Sherrif was on the way, my sister ordered her daughter to take two rifles from her gun safe, and a basket of paraphanalia and put them in my truck.
Guns and paraphernalia pretty much will const6itute a felony charge and prison time, and it is to my nieces credit that she didn't lie for her mother that night.  Otherwise dear reader I wouldn't be here this morning blogging about this horrific incident.  It is also to the Sheriff in charge that night that he didn't blindly follow my sisters intent.  My sister claims that the Coshocton County Sheriff visits her at work and continues to add details to his report.  I have to wonder if this Sheriff knows what all my sister has involved herself in, or if he truly has been duped.
While I was living with my sister, my nephew got a speeding ticket and was driving with expired tags.  My sister brags that the man who services the copier at work made those charges disappear as he was riding shotgun with the Frazeysburg police.  This all happened when half of Frazeysburgs municipal workers resigned and their computers confiscated.  In all probability the counterfeiting that originates from these same pocket of Crystal Meth folk are succeeding with the help of local police.
I had to take into account that at least in two of these police offices the meth heads have someone helping them on the inside.  The meth heads that have my sister and nephew operate unencumbered because the jurisdictions of where they live and where they operate cross three counties...and three police departments.
My sister could be charged with planting evidence in addition to selling prescription pills that were the property of Hospice.  She needs to be stopped some way.  My intention this week by filing my reports is to get her meth head friends to run for cover.  They know she blabbed and bragged about what all she and they did.  They have feared this blog for quite sometime, as I don't protect dealers that rip me off, break promises etc.  I don't have a problem with smoking a little dope from time to time.  I do have a problem with stealing heirlooms, counterfeiting money, robbing safes, selling pills stolen from hospice etc.  All my sister had to do when I was living with her was to stop doing meth, stop letting thieves into the house.  She couldn't do it, and now she is going to be scrambling for her next fix as these people are gonna put distance between them and her.  It is my hope that by this weekend all the cops involved are going to realize how these folks have been thumbing their noses at them.  I would guess that my sisters house will not be a safe place to go, or call if you are a meth head.
I haven't heard word one from the Coshocton Sheriff department since I left my sisters February 18th.  The fact that they are coming to her workplace is comforting to me.  I believe they are on to her...even before they get my account of what all she has been up to.  I have turned the table on my sister.  She gets the Karma of trying to get me arrested that night 3 fold.  Hopefully they will get her the help she needs before she harms any more people. 

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