
Monday, March 26, 2012

Three Frogs Riddle

There were 3 Frogs sitting on a log and one of them decided to jump off.  How many frogs were left on the log.  If you guess two you would be wrong.  Here is the link for that riddle.  When my sister asked me to move in with her in late October her situation was dire.  Her son, with the help of her X husband had managed to rob the gun safe.  The gun safe contained guns, a pound of marijuana, and a carton of Marlboro Lights.  The dope didn't belong to Raquel but she was holding it for an individual who was suspected and possibly being watched for dealing.  In addition to dealing marijuana, he was dealing Crystal Meth and prescription pain pills.
My nephew (her son) was becoming more aggressive in his attempts to get money from her and I became concerned that he might just do her physical violence.
It is not that I didn't have another apartment lined up in Columbus.  I did.  The problem was that it was located behind a gas station on Weber Road that was known for drug deals and prostitution that would have been less than 20 feet from my door!  I would never have been able to let Syd outside.  I would have constantly been worried that my truck would be broken into, or that I would be robbed by a junky on my way to and from my home.  My sisters problem with her son seemed the lesser of two evils.  She had decided to stand up to him and the Meth Heads where he was living.  She had decided to jump off the log so to speak.  I planned to stay the winter with her and move back to Columbus in the spring.  She and I made financial agreements where I could use my resources to help her through this time.  I installed Hughes Net so that we could both be online, and both she and I went to Coshocton Human Services to update my info with the temporary address change.
She told me more stories about the folks that were housing her son, some of which were appalling as well as pathetic.  The worst was that the dealer had used checks to buy Crystal Meth and the ingredients to make it that folks had written for the tombstone of their son who had committed suicide prior to my moving in.
But my sister didn't really jump off the log as the riddle goes.  I am sure she intended to.  I don't fault her for not being able to break her own addiction.  Many people can't, and after all; they had her son as a sort of hostage.
She had told me that my nephew and the deceased young man had been robbing people.  I even took a call from the Muskingham police who were looking for him in relation to some heirloom jewelry that they believed he had taken, under the pretense of borrowing funeral clothes to attend the deceased funeral from her X boyfriends sister.
I had used all my resources to get to my sisters.  I had borrowed money, put my own belongings in storage, hocked my Les Paul guitar.  I made sacrifices to help her make a stand against these people who didn't seem to be able to understand that their own son just couldn't stand the lifestyle anymore.  The week I moved in she disclosed that they were involved in a counterfeiting operation and had spent the $50 bills at 3 locations in Frazeysburg.
But even after disclosing all this to me she was lured to the graveyard for a "ceremony" honoring the deceased of course with the passing of the Crystal Meth pipe.
If my sister had jumped off the wasn't for very long.  She jumped right back on and has been spending pretty much every Saturday with the Meth Head crowd.
I had told her that if my nephew stole anything from me that I would not hesitate to file a police report!  I also told her I would not protect counterfeiters and thieves and that counterfeit money devalues all our money.  
Yesterday I blogged about my missing vintage watch that I have had since 1963.  I took it with me to my sisters house in October and I wore it to court in Columbus for my small claims cases.  I carefully hid it and requested that my sister inform me ahead of time when my nephew was coming to the house.  She did not do that of course as she had already jumped off the log.  Instead of standing tall and having nothing to do with these people, she started entertaining them till the wee hours of the morning.  It wasn't long before I her sister who had sacrificed everything to be there with her...was now the enemy.  It is not surprising that she put guns and paraphernalia in my truck and called 911 faking a domestic violence incident.  I left the very next day and have been busy moving my possessions in storage to my new home.  I have a feeling that this isn't over by a long shot and of course as I have written before "I don't let people shit on me, and then just walk away"...even if it is family.  I am busy this week filing police reports in regard to my missing possessions, changing power of attorney etc.  I won't be answering emails as I need to stay focused.  My sister Angelique died at 18 in a car accident under the influence.  Be damned if I am going to lose two more members of my family to selfish cheats and thieves.  My silence is not going to help my sister and nephew.  Yes, she will do anything to protect both her addition and her sources.  But I won't.  I don't want to attend my sister or nephew's funeral and have told them both as much.  If you are reading this frogs on the log...there is still time to jump off.  There is no future in Crystal Meth!  There are 3 jurisdictions for the 4 dealers that I know about that my sister disclosed to me.  I will be contacting each of the police departments this week and filing the necessary police reports.  I imagine that when word gets out about this blog and my intentions that these same people will distance themselves from both my sister and nephew.  They will do that in order to protect their own addiction and their own activities...and that will be a good thing!

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