
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pants On Fire

Lori presented a rather lame argument in court yesterday as expected.  She claimed that the phone bill had been paid rationalizing that new phone service would not be installed at my new residence if it had not.  She could not provide a receipt for this "payment" and stated that because she banks online and that the bill was over a year old she could not obtain receipt for the court.  The judge clearly did not buy her story.  She never addressed the fact that she had not paid the phone bill since June (two months prior to me moving out and getting new service).  She made sure that the judge understood that both of us used the phone and internet, but seemed surprised when I brought up the fact that both of us used the electric and ate the food that I used my food stamps for. Our agreement was that she would pay the gas bill and the phone bill, and I would pay the electric bill and purchase our food.  When I left last August (2010) I paid my part in full.  I was ashamed of her for the first time in all the years I have known her,  Clearly the phone company will hold me accountable for this unpaid bill, but she will have to live with lying to the court and shitting on me.  The judge will give a ruling on this case in the next 90 days.  I will have no recourse but to sue her for the jeep that is in her backyard as she signed it over to me. I can't trust that she will keep her word about the ramifications of it leaching toxins into the ground and me possibly getting fined for it.  I am not going to take the fall for her lack of responsibility.  At least a court ruling will absolve me of any future fines and punishments.  Lori signed the jeep over to me in order to avoid having to insure it...typical of how she operates.  Her insurance company advised me to take the matter seriously as an uninsured vehicle in the backyard signed over to me could make me liable for anything that happens because of it.  Perhaps her cheating on her unemployment will not look so farfetched when her other behavior comes into play.  Maybe the unemployment bureau can be cheated by online banking because they can't obtain bank records?  I confess I was surprised that she got away with it!  Had Lori taken responsibility for the phone bill we could both get on with our lives. I took the hit for the phone bill on my credit report, and in a sense she has "bound" us together for seven years.  I didn't do a binding ritual in relation to Lori as I wanted us to be together by freewill.  Perhaps she doesn't understand witchcraft, and that sending Dee Ames to harass me and attempting to have me "bound" by a civil protection order has only made me more resolute to bring this matter to justice through the court.  Sooner or later Lori will pay for her dishonesty and unethical conduct.  Maybe not in this lifetime, but I am sure there will be a reckoning in the next.

1 comment:

  1. You may consider donating the Jeep that is yours to a cars for charity program. Then they will tow it away and give you a big tax deduction. Even if you don't need a tax deduction, at least you won't have to worry about it anymore.


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