
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Winter Sky

My drive to and from Tom's Body Shop requires some skillful driving at places.  Some of the sunsets are breathtaking though.  I stop occasionally to take a photo.  This shot was taken 1/2 hour before dark.  On the other side of the road was a brilliant sunset with no hint of the oncoming rain storm.  My little Kodak point and shoot does not do justice to the landscapes and skyscapes that are constantly changing.  My major in college was art education, but I minored in photography.  I miss my old single reflex Nikon when I am trying to capture the spectacle and splendor of natures colors.  These digital cameras have their place for sure, but being able to control f-stops and the aperture is seriously lacking in the digital cameras.  One of my new years resolutions is to try to learn about my camera and it's limitations this year.  Hopefully I will be able to blog some better pictures in the coming months.

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