
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gay Relationships

Gay people in Ohio are not given a fair shake in my opinion.  In Ohio we can not legally marry for instance.  Had Lori and I been able to officially declare our relationship then legally the unpaid phone bill from 2010 would have ended up on both our credit reports and I wouldn't have to take the matter to court.  Intentionally damaging a persons credit report is a form of domestic violence.  I go to court on Monday to try to recover this money, but I want my readership to know that I was willing to mediate last month and offer that she write a letter stating that this phone bill was in fact her responsibility even though we did not put that agreement in writing.  I am not going to enjoy having to ask a magistrate to make Lori keep her word.  I also know that Ohio law is clear about putting such agreements in writing.  Can you imagine how awkward it would be when moving in together in a new relationship to demand that a verbal promise be put in writing?  It would certainly ruin the atmosphere of love and trust.  Please understand that I tried everything to convince her to keep her word and I have had to endure the verbal abuse of one of her X's that believes I should just pay the bill.  Of course this woman boasted that she was going to hire a lawyer for Lori and send police officers to my house to rough me up.  She also made fun of my handicap without considering that a $156 credit debt is out of reach for me.  My phone bills are $8.10 a month and I always pay my bills.  How in the world would I ever be able to pay it?  This is the sort of abuse that will be on my credit report for 7 years unless I can convince a judge that the verbal promise is to be honored.  I plan on taking the X girlfriends abusive emails next Monday as they clearly indicate that I should just pay it even though it was Lori's responsibility.  Maybe I will be lucky and this unfortunate individual will come with Lori to court and I can introduce her as a hostile witness and inter the emails into evidence.  I plan on sending these to the credit reporting agency anyway as Lori had the telephone # before I moved in and continues to have the telephone # to this very day.  Her email address is clearly on the phone bills and she paid with her bank card each time.  Lori had confided in me prior to me moving in that her X's robbed her and cheated on her.  She was a victim.  She is not a victim this time around.  She did this deliberately when I was moving out.  She deliberately kept the information from me and did not forward the statements or the collections letters.  She involved an individual that has a very abusive history to intimidate me.  This individual who is a retired police officer has threatened me and I had to file a police report in order to get her to stop.  I don't know what it will take for people to understand that I won't be threatened or intimidated into changing my behavior or plan of action.  If anything I am even more resolute.  I don't let people just shit on me and then walk away from it.  I love women and am saddened that this relationship ended as it has.  I was always faithful and true to Lori and she can not say the same.  She isn't the victim this time.  She has graduated to the level of her X's who were bank robber's, thieves, and now a corrupt retired cop.

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