
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gratitude List

Last year on Thanksgiving I posted a gratitude list.  This is an exercise that could be done every prayer.  I am sure that most of the people, places, and things are a repeat.  That said here is my list this year.
1.  My family and friends
2. The roof over my head
3. The food on the table
4. My truck
5. My cat Syd
6. My workshop
7. My tools and equipment
8. My abilities and my health
9. The safety net provided by my higher power
10. Mother Earth and all her mysteries
I could go on and on.  One year I added the color purple to my list, another year magic.  On days like today I don't want to take anything I have and know for granted.  I urge you dear reader to make a gratitude list.  Try it, you will feel better.

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