
Monday, November 21, 2011


I was mistaken about the interest of the case with The Peoples Court.  It seems they are interested in my small claims case against Lori my X for the unpaid phone bill from last year after I moved out.  And while lawyers and judges would agree that technically Lori was not responsible for a bill that was clearly in my name, upon closer inspection and questioning her they might conclude that it is as I have said:  I put it in my name to save her money as I get a considerable discount because of my disability.  She had stiffed her previous landlord for over $600, and probably couldn't get utilities in her name until she paid off the balance to them as well.  I have to have at least one utility in my name for my foodstamps and medical card.  It is not going to be too hard for someone to check her credit report and find that Lori ducks out of responsibility often as she can as she is not an honest person to begin with.  It should not have taken me 7 years to figure out she is dishonest and her previous lovers thieves.  If people knew this about her, they might think twice about selling her antiques or even buying antiques from her.  I doubt whether she can afford to be exposed in Peoples court, even though they would pay her more than she would get in Columbus which is zero.  They would even pay me more if I lost the case as it turns out!  They set it up where both parties have more to gain by airing their dirty laundry on TV than to let it be quietly settled by the local magistrate.  They convinced me to agreeing because my case might help someone else out in the same situation.  It is doubtful that anyone would be in my situation as Lori lives under the protection of her sister and can fly under the radar so to speak.  The previous landlord that she owed couldn't find her as Lori's phone was in my name.  Her heat is paid by her brother in law, and so Lori's outstanding debt to Columbia Gas doesn't come into play even now.  I paid her electric bill completely last July, so she probably figured something out there so that she could keep the lights on.  Since it had been 7 years, the debts were off her credit report by the time I moved out.  She cashed in her 401 K, and cheated unemployment the very same year, so she didn't make out too bad even with the loss of my steady income.  Even though she thinks she got away with unemployment fraud there is a statute of limitations...and she just might think she is in the clear when in fact they might be waiting for her next act.  Nesley did her taxes that year, so I think it is safe to assume that Nesley helped her deceive the IRS.  No reason anyone should believe me as after all, I am just the X lover who objected to all the X girlfriends who were thieves being part of our lives.  I understand all too well now about the hoarding, and deceptions now.  I didn't learn these things about Lori over night though.  The information was gathered over a 7 year period of time in bits and increments.  In that 7 years, I sheltered Lori from the consequences of her previous behavior and bought her time to get away from her creditors.  As my sister says "It's all good until it goes bad".  That is my memory of my time with Lori Rayburn.  I lost gemstones, meteorite, money, and my mental well being.  No honest person could put up with the hoarding and thievery that I did and come out of it mentally healthy.  The nut jobs that came into our lives were all shown the door eventually, and some of them I am proud to say, didn't make it past the front door jam!  I don't let thieves or cops for that matter into my home if I can help it.  It was a constant challenge and required my vigilance.  I am guessing Lori will not go to New York for People's Court.  She can't afford the exposure any more than Nesley could if she were offered the chance.  Thieve on girlz, one of these days you might rip off the wrong person.

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