
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blocks Bagels

I was in Columbus yesterday attempting to vote which turned out to be impossible, and to file a small claim for the unpaid phone bill that my X was responsible for.  On my way back to my sisters house, I took Broad Street to James Road and I spotted one of my favorite Columbus eating establishments Block's Bagels.  I decided to stop and get 6 Bagels take out and felt sufficiently rewarded for a trip that I really did not want to make in the first place.

I had filled out the change of address form for my absentee ballot, but it didn't get here in time to vote.  My polling place in Mifflin Township requires two pieces of mail in addition to the ID (apparently Republicans don't move!).  In my instance, I had a Paul Drive address on my license but the mail I had with me was Frazeysburg.  So I didn't get to vote yesterday, and I was bummed.

The other reason for driving to Columbus was to get the ball rolling for my small claim against Lori my X who didn't pay the phone bill that was in my name out of the goodness of my heart to save her money.  I really had hoped Lori and I could work out the phone bill through mediation, but she declined to show up which forced me to file a small claim yesterday.  I was prepared to offer to Lori that if she wrote to all three credit agencies that the phone bill was her responsibility that I would drop the case.  She probably didn't even consider that option as she does not care about credit reports and does not need them to find a place to live, or get a job.  Her sister rents to her, and Pedro her boss doesn't run background checks.  Lori has no regard or need of credit reports or repair...but both Nesley and she used the report to smear me this year.  Sometime in the next 20 days she will receive a summons from the court announcing the case and hearing details, and I can use that information to show all three agencies that I am trying to recover their money for them. 

This summer I contacted the collections agency assigned to the bill and requested the information that I will take with me to court against Lori.  In the meantime 2 credit agencies have the dispute and I am on my way to getting this blemish off my credit report.  It would not happen if I did nothing and just let it go as Lori's police friend (retired) seems to think I should do.  The recent eviction has not shown up on my credit report yet and it is my hope that if and when we go back to trial, I can convince a jury that it was a retaliatory eviction and possibly get it taken off as well.

Those of you who know me well, know I would rather be doing art than going to court.  I would rather be taking care of a cat colony.  I would rather have a V8 so the saying goes.  But of course, I am not gonna let someone....ANYONE shit on me and just walk away.  They think they beat me down, by threatening to evict and then actually evicting me.  But what they really did was set themselves up for claims and counterclaims and future dealings with me.  I am not sure I have ever encountered more stupid people in my life.  They actually think I will quit.  I don't quit.  Winners don't quit, and quitters don't win.  If I lose in court, I will still come after them.  "I got ways".  I am thankful there are delightful treats and distractions like Block's Bagels to reward myself for what I have to go through in order to teach my enemies to go bother somebody else next time.

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