
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Smug Mug

This is the smug look my landlord gave me as she was destroying my kiln this spring and noticing that I was taking a picture of the spectacle.  She had that same smug look Wednesday morning as she lied under oath about her own signature on rent receipts.  It is the look of someone knowing they can beat you because they have an attorney.  It is the face of someone who is willing to destroy your personal property to make a point.  She and I are not finished as I have filed a counterclaim and now have the originals that she denied yesterday.  So her purgery is going to come up again as I have the copies of receipts for the kiln that I sent her.  When the numerical sequence is examined in the receipt book itself and she is unable to produce receipts of her own, the judge will realize she was lying on Wednesday.  We have former landlord receipts that I took to human services for September, October, of 2009. Then we have Nesley's receipts from September, October, 2010, which she didn't see yesterday, but will see next time we go to court.  Then there is the two receipts for the busted kiln which I am going to present that she has the originals but probably won't give them to her attorney, and the the two receipts for September, October, 2011.  She is caught in a trap and doesn't even know it yet.  When a judge sees the September October receipts for last year, he is gonna wonder why I would have forged them as she is claiming April as the last time she got rent from me.  She claimed yesterday that she has a receipt book that she uses for her tenants, yet she didn't have it last September and October, and she didn't present it yesterday to him. So he is gonna know she is lying about last year, and then he is going to compare the receipts she lied about Wednesday and know she purgered herself.  Her only way out is a motion to dismiss and of course, I am not gonna let that happen.  I want to see her smug look leave her face and watch her squirm!  She has just committed a crime that she can do some jail time for.  Then they are gonna believe my claim that I sold drugs for her all winter, when she wasn't fixing the clogged gutters that I complained about.  The judge didn't want to hear any of that yesterday, but when he realizes she lied about the receipts he will more than likely begin seeing another picture.  So zoom in dear reader on that smug mug behind the pine branch.  That is Nesley Thomas my X landlord and 20 year old acquaintance.  She drives a Black PT Cruizer with a license plate that reads WICKED, and she is.  She is a slumlord, a drug dealer, tax cheat, and I have personally seen her give pot to this is what will occupy this house once they place the red tag on the door, and do the set out.  She will be setting out Lori Rayburns possessions as mine are being safely transported to a storage unit. She has won round one, but round two is coming at her and she just might not be so smug after she leaves the courtroom next time. 

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