
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Local Really Does Matter

I have been so busy putting out fires this spring and summer that I have had very little time to do the things I really love to do.  I will be in the studio for the rest of the week working on projects and getting ready for the holiday's  If I don't have to go to court for eviction, then I won't have to be packing up my studio.  But even if I do, there is always room in my living space to set up a simple workbench and start making Christmas, Hanuka, and Solstice gifts.  Let's see if my enemies will leave me alone long enough for me to get some things done.  I can as easily work on creative things as I can on legal matters.  It is the same amount of time, and darn near it the same amount of energy.

I attended a panel discussion last night at The Wexner Center on local food as it is Food Week here in Columbus Ohio.  It was quite enlightening.  I walked away with the knowledge that local really does matter.  The organization Local Matters had their hand in nearly every panelist's projects.  I subscribe to Local Matters newsletters and I highly recommend joining them on any level you can.  They are doing so much good!  More importantly is the idea that local really does matter.  My neighbor Wayne Shingler the owner and operator of Frijolito Farm posted this photo message about supporting local artisans on Facebook where I snagged it for my today's blog.  I plan on buying locally whenever I can this year and supporting the local economy.

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